Gain a Competitive Edge: Speed Up Hiring without Sacrificing Quality

Gain a Competitive Edge: Speed Up Hiring without Sacrificing Quality


Aspects to Improve in HiringIn today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the war for talent remains a critical battleground for companies across all industries. The success or failure of an organization hinges on its ability to attract and retain the best talent. At the heart of this challenge lies a formidable adversary – the element of time.

“A company’s dedication and commitment to fighting the war for talent is often the determining factor of success or failure, regardless of industry or domain. The only way to win is through trial and error, constant innovation, adaptation, and improvement of your talent acquisition and talent management procedures.”

– Mike Sarraille, George Randle, and Josh Cotton, “The Talent War”

The Time Challenge in Hiring

Acquiring the right talent is far more than just posting job listings and hoping for qualified candidates to appear. The process involves a complex web of steps, from crafting compelling job descriptions and posting them on various platforms to screening applications, conducting interviews, and building the right offer. Each of these stages comes with its own set of hurdles and potential delays. When time is not on your side, the consequences can be severe.
What are some of the most prominent challenges that organizations face in their quest to acquire top talent?

  • Competitive Disadvantage: The business world is fiercely competitive and attracting top talent is no different. If your hiring process is sluggish, you risk losing the best candidates to competitors who can make faster decisions and offers. Speed becomes a critical component of success in the battle for talent.
  • Lost Team Productivity: As positions remain unfilled, the productivity of the existing workforce is at stake. Employees may be burdened with additional responsibilities, leading to decreased performance and job satisfaction. In a world where time is money, inefficiencies in hiring can directly affect the bottom line.
  • Missed Business Opportunities: In today’s business environment, opportunities come and go in the blink of an eye. A slow hiring process can lead to missed business opportunities that demand a quick response. If your organization does not have the right talent in place swiftly, those opportunities may slip through your fingers.
  • Reduced Agility: Adaptability and agility are essential for any organization’s survival. A slow hiring process hampers your ability to respond to market changes, industry shifts, or emerging trends. Without an agile workflow in place, your organization could find itself struggling to keep up.



Aspects to Improve in Hiring

While the time challenge in hiring is a formidable adversary, organizations can enhance their talent acquisition processes by addressing these critical aspects:

  1. Fast Candidate Evaluations: Traditional hiring processes can be painfully slow, often involving numerous steps and delays. Streamlining and automating the evaluation of candidates, where possible, is essential to accelerate the recruitment process.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: Inefficient decision-making processes can lead to hiring delays. Organizations need to enhance their decision-making procedures and involve key stakeholders early in the process to expedite hiring choices.
  3. Time-Efficient Practices: Inefficiencies in hiring often result from time-consuming practices, such as conducting excessive interviews or redundant reference checks. It is essential to optimize these time-consuming practices.
  4. Proactive Talent Pipelines: Instead of relying on reactive hiring, organizations must maintain a proactive talent pipeline. This involves ensuring they have a continuous pool of potential candidates to meet their hiring needs more swiftly.

The Importance of New Technology in Hiring

Addressing the time element in recruitment is not just about streamlining existing processes; It is also about embracing new technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), as essential tools in your talent acquisition arsenal.

  1. Candidate Resume Screening: AI technology can quickly and accurately sift through large volumes of resumes and identify the most qualified candidates based on predefined criteria. This significantly reduces the time spent on initial screenings.
  2. Video Interviews: AI-powered video interview platforms can assess a candidate’s responses, facial expressions, and body language, providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions without the need for in-person interviews.
  3. Automation: AI-driven automation can handle routine tasks like scheduling interviews, sending follow-up emails, and conducting reference checks, allowing your team to concentrate on higher-value activities.

In the competitive arena of talent acquisition, the time challenge looms large as a significant obstacle. To overcome this challenge, organizations must prioritize key aspects within their hiring process. These include expediting candidate evaluation, streamlining decision-making, minimizing time-wasting practices, and proactively nurturing a talent pipeline. By doing so, organizations can carve out a distinct advantage in the ongoing war for talent.

Success in this battle demands an unwavering commitment to innovation, adaptability, and continuous enhancement of talent acquisition and management processes. In the quest to outpace competitors and secure the best candidates, leveraging modern technology, particularly AI, proves to be an indispensable tool.

By harnessing the power of AI and other advanced tools, organizations can reduce time-to-fill, make swift and well-informed decisions, and cultivate an agile and efficient hiring system. This blend of strategies and technological innovation positions organizations favorably to combat the ever-pressing time challenge in the talent war.



Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

The State of HR: A Look at Hiring and Recruitment in 2023

The State of HR: A Look at Hiring and Recruitment in 2023

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the employment landscape has been in a constant state of flux, and it continues to change rapidly. As the world continues to recover, organizations face a range of obstacles, from tighter labor markets to difficulties retaining key talent and high turnover costs. In addition, many industries are grappling with mass layoffs and resignations simultaneously, creating a sense of uncertainty about the future of work.

To remain competitive in this rapidly evolving environment, companies must upgrade their hiring strategies for 2023. In this article, we will explore the top 5 hiring and recruitment trends expected to shape the industry in the coming year.

State of HR: 5 Trends That Will Shape Your Talent Strategy

Emphasis on Employer Branding

In today’s competitive, candidate-led job market, it is more important than ever for companies to establish a strong employer brand. Employer branding refers to the reputation and image a company portrays to potential employees. A strong employer brand can attract top talent, increase employee retention, and improve the company’s overall reputation. In contrast, a weak brand can lead to high turnover rates and difficulty in recruiting ideal candidates.

To improve employer branding, companies should focus on creating a positive and engaging company culture. This can be achieved by providing a positive work environment, offering competitive benefits, and promoting diversity and inclusion. A company should also ensure its messaging and branding are consistent across all communication channels, such as social media, job postings, and website.

Furthermore, employee feedback can be used to improve branding. Companies should listen to their employees and take their opinions and feedback seriously. By implementing changes based on this feedback, companies can create a more positive work environment and increase employee satisfaction.

Increased Use of Technology

As the business landscape continues to evolve, companies recognize the value of leveraging technology to improve their hiring process, reduce recruitment costs, and enhance the candidate experience.

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) revolutionized the hiring process by providing recruiters with advanced automation capabilities. By filtering resumes based on job requirements, scheduling interviews, and sending automated follow-up emails, an ATS frees up recruiters’ time to focus on critical tasks like candidate engagement and developing hiring strategies.

With the advent of remote work, video interviews have become increasingly popular, particularly during the pandemic. And now, one-way video interviews allow recruiters to conduct initial screenings without scheduling in-person meetings, saving time and money while improving the candidate experience by its convenience and eliminating scheduling conflicts.

Another element becoming increasingly essential in recruitment is artificial intelligence (AI). AI-powered tools automate resume screening, scheduling interviews, and conducting pre-employment assessments, allowing recruiters to focus on more critical tasks.

Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are becoming increasingly important in the workplace, and companies are recognizing the benefits of having a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce can lead to increased innovation, improved decision-making, and better problem-solving.

To prioritize DEI in their hiring strategies, companies should start by analyzing their current workforce and identifying any gaps in representation. They should then create an action plan to address these gaps and increase diversity in their hiring process.

Companies can also try:

  • Ensuring job descriptions use inclusive language
  • Providing unconscious bias training to the recruiting staff and hiring managers
  • Assembling a multicultural interview panel
  • Establishing partnerships with organizations that support underrepresented groups
  • Offering diversity and inclusion training to all employees

Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work and flexible schedules, are becoming increasingly popular in 2023. The pandemic accelerated this trend as many employees have become accustomed to working from home. As a result, a company offering flexible work arrangements can attract a wider pool of candidates and increase employee satisfaction and retention.

To incorporate flexible work arrangements into their hiring strategies, companies should start by assessing their current policies and identifying areas for improvement. This can include offering a mix of remote and in-person work options, providing the necessary technology and equipment to support remote work, and implementing clear communication and accountability measures.

Moreover, companies should ensure they provide the same level of support and benefits to remote workers as they do to in-office employees. This can include opportunities for professional development, regular check-ins with managers, and access to company resources and benefits.

Skills-based Hiring

Skills-based hiring is a process that focuses on identifying candidates’ skills and competencies rather than their educational background or previous job title. This approach is becoming more common as employers recognize that a candidate’s skills and abilities are often more important than their traditional qualifications.

One of the key advantages of skills-based hiring is that it enables employers to attract a more diverse pool of candidates. When employers focus on skills and competencies rather than education or job title, they are more likely to attract applicants from non-traditional backgrounds who may have valuable skills and experience but lack formal qualifications.

To shift towards skills-based hiring, companies should begin by clearly identifying the skills and competencies required for each job role. They can then use skills-based assessments and tests to evaluate candidates’ abilities and suitability for the position. This can include both technical and soft skills assessments, as well as situational judgment tests that assess candidates’ decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

Embracing the Trends for 2023 and Beyond

The hiring landscape is constantly evolving, and companies that fail to adapt risk falling behind their competitors. However, by focusing on employer branding, leveraging technology, prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion, offering flexible work arrangements, and adopting skills-based hiring, companies can stay ahead of the curve in 2023.

It is important to keep in mind that hiring is not just about filling open positions but also about building a strong, diverse, and talented workforce that can drive innovation and growth. By embracing these hiring strategies and trends, companies can attract top talent, reduce turnover costs, and improve their overall business performance.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

Improving Your Recruitment Process with One-Way Video Screening Interviews

Improving Your Recruitment Process with One-Way Video Screening Interviews

Today’s job market is extremely competitive. Employers are being inundated with applications and résumés/CVs, leaving hiring teams with the overwhelming task of sifting through the deluge to identify those who might be a fit. Often, applicants seem great on paper.

We have already discussed the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence in the recruitment process to boost efficiency. In this article, we’ll examine how one-way video screening interviewing can help even more.

First, let’s dive into the basics of one-way video screening interviews and then discuss how to implement them successfully.

What is a One-Way Video Screening Interview?

One-way video interviews, also referred to as on-demand or asynchronous interviews, allow applicants to record their responses to predetermined questions, eliminating the phone screen step. These brief interviews help recruiters get a better impression of the applicants without additional work on the recruiters’ behalf. Once the applicant submits the video, the hiring team can review it at their convenience and share the video with team members.

Advantages of One-Way Video Screening Interviews

It rarely makes sense for screening to be done face-to-face, and phone interviews fall short in terms of evaluating non-verbal communication skills. On the other hand, video interviews offer the efficiency of a phone screen with the visual advantages of an in-person interview. But one-way video screening interviews shine when it comes to saving time and effort.

Because they don’t require the interviewer to be present during the screening, one-way video screening is the ideal solution for time and cost savings, ultimately allowing the recruiting team to evaluate a larger pool of candidates.

Video screening interviews can also reduce unconscious bias in the recruitment process by standardizing questions and evaluation criteria.

In addition, implementing recruitment tools like one-way video screening interviews improves the candidate experience, which helps your company stand out and attract top talent. Job seekers who are tech-savvy and appreciative of employers who value their time are more likely to have a favorable opinion of employer brand that leverage new technology in the screening process.

Best Practices

To get the most out of one-way video screening interviews, some best practices should be followed:

  1. Ensure all applicants are evaluated using the same criteria by asking standardized questions.
  2. Keep the interview short, with at most 5-7 questions. This respects the applicant’s time while providing sufficient insight into their skills and personality.
  3. Provide clear instructions for completing the process, including technical requirements, time limits, and a support contact should the individual have issues recording the video.
  4. Keep job seekers informed throughout the recruitment process without compromising efficiency by using automation to advise them when the interview is delivered and received.
  5. Train interviewers on reviewing and evaluating the video screening interviews effectively to ensure consistency across the hiring team.
  6. Test your video screening interview process before rolling it out to applicants. This includes conducting mock interviews with internal team members to identify technical, logistical, or communication issues.
  7. Ensure your video screening interview process is accessible to all job seekers, including those with disabilities.

Considerations for Implementing

As you consider how to use one-way video interviews to improve your recruitment process, consider the type of position you’re hiring for and the typical number of applicants you expect.

  • Is it a high-volume position that typically gets a large number of applicants? Using video screening for this type of role will significantly reduce the amount of time recruiters have to spend on the initial round of vetting.
  • Is the position entry-level? If so, you may receive applicants with little or no job experience; therefore, using video interviews can help you select the better-suited individuals more quickly and efficiently.
  • If job seekers are expected to apply on-site for the position, using video interviewing wouldn’t be necessary in the early stages of the process. However, it may prove useful later on should a hiring manager or another individual need to review the applicant before making a decision.
  • Are there any “deal breakers” for the role that may not be listed on the typical résumé/CV? For example, asking what the person’s short and long-term career goals are in the video interview may help identify someone who isn’t a good fit for the position’s career path or aligned with your company’s business objectives.
  • While several of the questions asked should be about the job seeker’s interest in the position and their related skill set, consider asking open-ended questions. For example, ask them to describe their strengths and weaknesses or how they handled a difficult situation in a previous position. The applicant’s response could assist the recruiter with formulating the next round of questions or become useful talking points in the follow-up interview.

After considering these variables, you can determine when and where in your recruitment process utilizing one-way video interviewing makes the most sense.


Implementing the proper utilization of one-way video screening interviews can be vital to improving how you efficiently and effectively shortlist candidates. Whether you’re recruiting globally or trying to reduce the time spent vetting applicants, this solution can potentially revolutionize your company’s hiring process.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

How To: Improve Your Candidate Experience and Attract the Best Talent

How To: Improve Your Candidate Experience and Attract the Best Talent

The competition for top talent is fierce, and companies must go the extra mile to attract and retain the best. A positive candidate experience is key to winning them in today’s job market. In this blog post, we tell you everything you need to know to provide a top-notch candidate experience.

The Candidate Experience Defined

In simple terms, the “candidate experience” refers to the collective impression that job seekers develop about a company’s recruitment process. This includes everything from the application process to the interview experience to onboarding.

From First Impressions to Lasting Relationships

Providing a positive candidate experience cannot be overstated, as it can significantly impact an organization’s reputation and bottom line.

As the old saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Unfortunately, this holds true in recruiting, where a bad first impression can turn off even the most qualified and motivated candidates. So, to ensure you don’t miss out on potential talent, engaging with applicants early in the recruiting process is vital.

The Value of the Candidate Experience

Here are some reasons that underscore the significance of the candidate experience:

  • Attracting top talent: Job seekers with a positive experience during the hiring process are more likely to accept an offer and recommend the company to others. Conversely, those with a negative experience may decline the job offer and share their negative experience with others, potentially harming the organization’s reputation.
    Fun Fact: 80–90% of talent say a positive or negative candidate experience can change their minds about a role or company (Recruiting Brief).
  • Employer branding: The candidate experience can significantly impact an organization’s employer branding. A positive experience can help build a positive brand, attracting the desired talent and making the organization an employer of choice. A negative experience, on the other hand, can harm the company’s reputation and make it challenging to attract and retain ideal employees.
    Fun Fact: Nearly 4 in 5 candidates (78%) say the overall candidate experience they receive indicates how a company values its people (Career Builder).
  • Increased engagement: A positive candidate experience can increase job seekers’ engagement and enthusiasm. That can result in more motivated and committed employees.
  • Cost savings: A negative candidate experience can be costly for an organization. The cost of lost productivity plus recruiting and training a replacement can be significant. By providing a positive candidate experience, an organization can reduce the cost of turnover and save money in the long run.
  • Legal compliance: Providing a positive candidate experience is essential for the organization’s reputation and sometimes legal compliance. In many countries, laws and regulations protect job seekers from discrimination and unfair treatment during the hiring process. Failure to provide the proper consideration can result in legal action and damage the organization’s reputation.

However, these are not the only reasons you should be upping your candidate experience game. The shift is also primarily driven by the job seekers themselves.

What Candidates Really Want from Employers

Candidate expectations constantly evolve, and companies must keep up with these changes. The following are some of how their expectations have shifted in recent years:

  • Personalization: Applicants today expect a personalized hiring experience that considers their unique needs and preferences. This includes personalized communication, tailored job descriptions, and a hiring process that can accommodate their schedule and needs.
  • Transparency: Job seekers expect transparency throughout the hiring process. They want to know what to expect at each stage of the process, what the job entails, and what the compensation and benefits package includes. They also want to know about the company culture and values and how they align with theirs. Fun Fact: 80% of job seekers say they wouldn’t reapply to a company that didn’t notify them of their application status (Lever).
  • Technology: In today’s digital age, job seekers expect a hiring process that is streamlined and tech-enabled. This includes online applications, video interviews, and mobile-friendly communication. Candidates also expect to be able to research the company online and to have access to reviews and feedback from current and former employees.
  • Flexibility: With the rise of remote work and the growing desire for work-life balance, applicants expect flexibility. This includes the option for remote interviews, flexible working hours, and the ability to work from home. Offering flexible options can also help organizations tap into a wider talent pool, as they can recruit candidates from different locations.
  • Speed: In today’s fast-paced world, candidates expect a speedy hiring process. They don’t want to wait weeks or months to hear back after submitting their application. Therefore, organizations that can provide a faster hiring process are more likely to attract top talent and avoid losing out to competitors. Fun Fact: 60% of job seekers report quitting an application due to its length or complexity (Recruiting Brief).

How to Create a Stellar Candidate Experience

Now that we understand the significance of the candidate experience, it’s time to explore some strategies that can help you enhance your recruitment process:

Improve Your Job Application Process

One of the best ways to improve the candidate experience is to fine-tune your application process. Job seekers want a user-friendly Careers page with detailed job descriptions and a short, mobile-friendly application form. 25% of job seekers will quit the process if the application is too long or complex. One option would be to allow job seekers to apply using their LinkedIn profile.

Let Job Seekers Know What to Expect

A huge point of anxiety for applicants is that they don’t know what to expect after applying. To alleviate this, outline the steps of your interview-to-hire process in the job description. By setting their expectations up front, you’ll automatically provide a better candidate experience.

Stay in Touch

One of the biggest complaints from applicants is with recruiter communication. Job seekers want to know where they stand at each step, which can be extremely challenging for recruiters handling multiple open requisitions. Using an applicant tracking system (ATS) that allows workflow triggers to send updates to the candidates is ideal for managing this time-consuming part of the process.

Ask for Feedback

Finally, feel free to ask for feedback from candidates about their recruitment experience. This can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that you provide a positive candidate experience.’s platform can also provide valuable data and insights into the candidate experience, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and continually improve your recruitment process.

Fun Fact: 78% of job seekers report never being asked for feedback on their candidate experience (Lever).

Closing the Deal

Creating a positive candidate experience is not just about filling a position but also about building your company’s reputation and fostering a culture of inclusivity and professionalism. By streamlining your recruitment process, personalizing the experience, using AI and machine learning to remove bias, and asking for feedback, you can improve your chances of hiring the best candidate and leave a lasting impression on those who didn’t make the cut.

So, don’t just settle for a mediocre candidate experience; put in the effort to create a stellar one that will have candidates lining up to work for your organization. After all, it’s not just about finding the right person for the job; it’s about creating an unforgettable candidate experience that will keep your company top of mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Candidate experience refers to the collective impression that job seekers develop about a company’s recruitment process, and it is critical to attracting and retaining top talent.
  • A positive candidate experience can lead to increased engagement and enthusiasm from the candidate, contribute to a positive employer brand, and save costs associated with turnover.
  • Candidate expectations are evolving, and organizations must keep up with changes to attract the best talent. Candidates expect personalization, transparency, technology-enabled processes, flexibility, and speed.
  • Streamlining the recruitment process, automating tasks, and using AI-powered tools can help improve candidate experience and save time for recruiters.
  • Communication is critical throughout the recruitment process. Candidates want to be kept informed about the status of their application and what to expect at each stage of the process.
  • Providing feedback to candidates after an interview and creating a positive candidate experience, even for those who aren’t selected, can help build a positive employer brand and improve the organization’s reputation.
  • Finally, improving the candidate experience is an ongoing process, and organizations need to regularly evaluate and make changes to their recruitment process to keep up with changing candidate expectations and ensure they are attracting and retaining the best talent.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

How To: Top 5 Tips to Increase Hiring Efficiency

How To: Top 5 Tips to Increase Hiring Efficiency

Employees are the backbone of every company. This makes hiring one of the most important aspects of running a business. But recruitment is much more complicated today than sifting through job applications, shortlisting candidates, conducting interviews, and hiring the best candidate.

In today’s labor market, you must meet the candidates where they are. You need to find your audience and speak their language, advertise your vacancy in places where your target candidates are, incorporate skill-based as well as culture-fit assessments in the interview process, ensure constant communication with them, and if you find the right candidate, hire them before someone else does.

Multiple studies suggest that nearly 60% of job seekers quit online job applications mid-way due to their length and complexity. Poorly or loosely written job descriptions, complicated or lengthy job applications, misleading job ads, multiple interviews over the course of several days or weeks, and lack of communication throughout the hiring process can deter a qualified candidate from seeking employment with you.

70% of the global workforce is made up of passive talent who are not actively looking for a job. Passive job seekers won’t continue with an interview process if they feel your hiring process is slow, repetitive, or not streamlined.

That’s why it is imperative to dedicate time and resources to make your hiring process as efficient as possible. You don’t want to let the best candidate slip through your fingers and possibly go to one of your competitors. With the proper hiring and onboarding process, you can attract, hire, and retain the best candidates.

Top 5 Tips to Increase Hiring Efficiency

Here are our top five most effective methods to enhance your recruitment efforts and increase employee quality and retention.

1. Write a Clear and Accurate Job Description

A job description is one of an applicant’s first interactions with your organization. Make sure that your descriptions are concise, accurate, and clear about the duties and responsibilities of the position. The job’s description must be written in the language of your brand and reflect your company culture so you attract suitable applicants. This will help weed out those that may not be a fit.

Writing a job description is more than just under the purview of the recruiter or the hiring manager. A recruiter may not understand the entirety of what the job entails. Hence, the team lead or the manager must help the recruiter understand precisely what they are looking for in their new team member. They must clearly state the technical skills required to fulfill the role and the soft skills needed to fit in the team for an overall understanding of the position.

Also, be as transparent with the expectations of the role as possible. The more things you keep out of the job description, the harder it will be for you to find the right individual and the longer it will take to fill the position.

2. Build Talent Pipeline by Utilizing Employee Referrals

On average, talent acquisition professionals spend nearly 1/3rd of their time sourcing candidates for a single role. That’s a lot of productive time wasted that could have been utilized for other recruitment-related tasks like reference checks, onboarding, etc.

One of the best ways to tackle this problem is through referrals. These referrals could be through your current employees or your trusted network. Studies show that referred candidates are 55% faster to hire than employees sourced through career sites. Additionally, 82% of employers surveyed by CareerBuilder also rated employee referrals as generating the best ROI, above all other sources.

When you hire someone through referrals, it eliminates a layer of screening from the hiring process. That’s because the employee who refers someone already knows your company’s culture, values, and what the role demands. Hence, when they refer someone, they would do that with a level of certainty that the candidate will not only fit in the company’s culture but also perform well in their role. As a result, there is a higher chance of them being hired than someone who does not know of your organization.

A popular way to encourage referral hiring is through referral bonus programs. Giving monetary compensation of even a couple of hundred dollars can eventually help you save time and money in the long run.

Other ways of boosting your talent pipeline are lateral or internal hiring, investing in employer branding, building your brand on social media websites, creating a recruitment strategy for attracting passive candidates, and having a careers page.

3. Automate Repetitive Hiring Tasks

Let’s be honest – if you have been a recruiter for a while, you know that hiring can be a tedious and repetitive process. Manually going through every résumé/CV or application, looking for relevant skills, reaching out to the candidates, coordinating and constant back and forth with individuals to find a suitable interview time, scheduling and rescheduling interviews, and so on. This process can be time-consuming and frustrating for the recruiter as well as the applicant. This can make a candidate lose interest, making you start the process all over again.

Tasks like these can easily be automated with the help of talent acquisition software. With so many options for recruitment automation available today in the market, you can choose an applicant tracking system (ATS) to keep track of all the applications you receive and manage the process each goes through. Having smart recruitment software can help your hiring team screen candidates more efficiently, reduce time-to-hire, and increase the quality of hire. It can do so by syncing your calendar with the candidates to find a suitable time for an interview, sending automated reminders to the candidate, hiring manager, and recruiter, hosting online pre-hire assessments, and sorting out the results, among other things.

This can save you so much time to focus on other productive tasks.

4. Streamline Your Interview Process by Using Recruitment Software

We covered above why you would invest in recruitment software to automate mundane tasks and maximize your hiring efforts. But another challenge with manual recruitment is consistency. For example, you may find yourself asking certain questions in one interview for a role but forgetting to ask the same question in another interview for the same position. Or sometimes, you might overlook certain interview guidelines or best practices simply because you were impressed by a candidate’s initial impression. While this is natural human behavior, in a formal interview situation, it can have undesirable repercussions.

Leveraging recruitment software is one of the best ways to manage your entire hiring process. You can use pre-hire online assessments to standardize your initial screening and assessment. Once you’ve shortlisted your candidates, you can host a real-time video interview or an asynchronous video interview. Several AI-led recruitment tools today can help you assess candidates’ culture fit, behavior, and relevant skills through natural language processing during the interview.

With the help of the software, you can keep qualifying candidates moving through the hiring process seamlessly and ensure each goes through the required steps. In addition, automating tracking increases your hiring efficiency and allows recruiters to focus on what matters the most – engaging and vetting candidates.

5. Engage with Your Candidates

Last but not least, you must keep your candidates engaged throughout the hiring process. Whether your process is short or not, it is imperative that you keep your candidates in the loop. It can be as simple as sending an acknowledgment email when they apply for the position, informing them about the next step, sending them reminders for assessments or interview rounds, letting them know how much time it would take you to get back to them with the results, and advising them if they didn’t make it the cut, and so on.

This will show them that you value their time and give them a good impression of your organization and its values.


Today, the global workforce has more power than employers. This is why the recruitment process can be tiring, complicated, and hard to maintain. But if you standardize your recruitment process, build a strong talent pipeline, utilize recruitment technology, and keep your candidates engaged, you can make the process easier, simpler, and even fun.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

The Future of Recruiting: Will Video Interviewing Replace the Traditional Interview?

The Future of Recruiting: Will Video Interviewing Replace the Traditional Interview?

For many companies, video interviewing is an essential part of their recruiting process, not just because working remotely has become the “new norm” but for its many time- and cost-saving advantages. Does that put the traditional recruiter-led interview in jeopardy of becoming extinct?

Video Interviewing Is Here To Stay

Video interviewing has too many advantages to be ignored, and technology gets more advanced each year, allowing for more sophisticated and detailed intelligence to be gleaned from an applicant’s performance. Plus, integrating a virtual interviewing solution into the standard recruitment process has never been easier.

Utilizing one-way, or asynchronous, video interviews provide faster measuring of a candidate’s potential without a great deal of work by the recruiter in the screening stage of the application process. Since the candidate is responding to preset questions, the recruiter or hiring manager can get a fair amount of the information needed to assess the individual’s fit for the role.

As it’s grown in popularity in recent years, more and more applicants see video interviewing as a standard part of the process. It allows them to showcase themselves and their talents beyond their résumé/CV, allowing hiring leaders to see more of who they are and gather valuable insights needed during the screening process.

Providing a smooth, flexible, and enjoyable candidate experience is increasingly important. Using one-way video interviewing can be less stressful, allowing the person to do it at a time that suits them and in the comfort of home. Plus, if applicants know the questions ahead of time, they can practice their responses, giving them more confidence when doing the actual recording. Practicing can eliminate the anxiety inherent in a job interview, which will help the recruiter and hiring manager assess candidates more effectively, as nervousness can negatively impact a candidate’s performance.

Face-to-Face Interviews Aren’t Going Anywhere

Whether meeting in person or via video conferencing, establishing that human connection provides much more than assessing the candidate’s job experience. The one-on-one interaction allows the recruiter or hiring manager a better sense of the applicant’s communication skills, personality, professionalism, how they react under pressure, and more. Conversely, it helps applicants gather the information they need to assess whether the company and the position are a fit for them.

While the traditional interview and video interview provides the opportunity to gather the same information about the applicant, such as observing body language, voice inflection, and mannerisms, the face-to-face interview allows a deeper dive into these elements. In addition, the natural flow of conversation provides greater insight into the candidate than what could be observed from a video interview.

Within the confines of face-to-face conversations, applicants may be more animated and spontaneous in their answers, thus giving more information about who they are and how they think. These “real” answers are more telling than the carefully worded ones given during a one-way video interview.

Combine Both for Maximum Efficiency

There’s no denying that technology and process streamlining are wonderful things. Still, there are parts to the application process that can’t–and shouldn’t–be replaced by technology or eliminated to save time. Advancements in efficiency don’t mean the “human” in “human resources” needs to be sacrificed.

Video interviews should be viewed as an enhancement to the recruiting process rather than a replacement.

The two interviewing methods can easily co-exist in a company’s hiring process. By utilizing video interviews in the preliminary hiring stage as a screening tool, recruiters can feel confident that only the more qualified applicants are invited for face-to-face or in-person interviews. In addition, since the applicants are responding to preset questions, the hiring team can be assured of getting a good portion of the information needed to assess the person’s fit for the role, making the traditional interview a better use of everyone’s time.

The ideal process is often tied to the type of hiring being done. For example, video interviewing is more beneficial for high-volume recruiting and entirely remote positions. But for executive and senior roles, the recruitment process may bypass the video interview entirely in favor of the face-to-face as these roles are a significant investment and need that personal engagement.

A face-to-face interview can be time-consuming due to the amount of preparation needed, the scheduling of multiple individuals, etc. However, more intelligent decision-making is possible by incorporating a video pre-screening process. Then that investment of time is well worth it because that’s time spent on a quality candidate.


Overall, HR leaders can make more informed decisions by combining the advantages of both video and in-person interviewing methods. Video interviews as the screening tool to narrow down the applicant pool, and then face-to-face to further evaluate the remaining qualified candidates to find the best fit.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.