The Future of Recruiting: Will Video Interviewing Replace the Traditional Interview?

The Future of Recruiting: Will Video Interviewing Replace the Traditional Interview?

For many companies, video interviewing is an essential part of their recruiting process, not just because working remotely has become the “new norm” but for its many time- and cost-saving advantages. Does that put the traditional recruiter-led interview in jeopardy of becoming extinct?

Video Interviewing Is Here To Stay

Video interviewing has too many advantages to be ignored, and technology gets more advanced each year, allowing for more sophisticated and detailed intelligence to be gleaned from an applicant’s performance. Plus, integrating a virtual interviewing solution into the standard recruitment process has never been easier.

Utilizing one-way, or asynchronous, video interviews provide faster measuring of a candidate’s potential without a great deal of work by the recruiter in the screening stage of the application process. Since the candidate is responding to preset questions, the recruiter or hiring manager can get a fair amount of the information needed to assess the individual’s fit for the role.

As it’s grown in popularity in recent years, more and more applicants see video interviewing as a standard part of the process. It allows them to showcase themselves and their talents beyond their résumé/CV, allowing hiring leaders to see more of who they are and gather valuable insights needed during the screening process.

Providing a smooth, flexible, and enjoyable candidate experience is increasingly important. Using one-way video interviewing can be less stressful, allowing the person to do it at a time that suits them and in the comfort of home. Plus, if applicants know the questions ahead of time, they can practice their responses, giving them more confidence when doing the actual recording. Practicing can eliminate the anxiety inherent in a job interview, which will help the recruiter and hiring manager assess candidates more effectively, as nervousness can negatively impact a candidate’s performance.

Face-to-Face Interviews Aren’t Going Anywhere

Whether meeting in person or via video conferencing, establishing that human connection provides much more than assessing the candidate’s job experience. The one-on-one interaction allows the recruiter or hiring manager a better sense of the applicant’s communication skills, personality, professionalism, how they react under pressure, and more. Conversely, it helps applicants gather the information they need to assess whether the company and the position are a fit for them.

While the traditional interview and video interview provides the opportunity to gather the same information about the applicant, such as observing body language, voice inflection, and mannerisms, the face-to-face interview allows a deeper dive into these elements. In addition, the natural flow of conversation provides greater insight into the candidate than what could be observed from a video interview.

Within the confines of face-to-face conversations, applicants may be more animated and spontaneous in their answers, thus giving more information about who they are and how they think. These “real” answers are more telling than the carefully worded ones given during a one-way video interview.

Combine Both for Maximum Efficiency

There’s no denying that technology and process streamlining are wonderful things. Still, there are parts to the application process that can’t–and shouldn’t–be replaced by technology or eliminated to save time. Advancements in efficiency don’t mean the “human” in “human resources” needs to be sacrificed.

Video interviews should be viewed as an enhancement to the recruiting process rather than a replacement.

The two interviewing methods can easily co-exist in a company’s hiring process. By utilizing video interviews in the preliminary hiring stage as a screening tool, recruiters can feel confident that only the more qualified applicants are invited for face-to-face or in-person interviews. In addition, since the applicants are responding to preset questions, the hiring team can be assured of getting a good portion of the information needed to assess the person’s fit for the role, making the traditional interview a better use of everyone’s time.

The ideal process is often tied to the type of hiring being done. For example, video interviewing is more beneficial for high-volume recruiting and entirely remote positions. But for executive and senior roles, the recruitment process may bypass the video interview entirely in favor of the face-to-face as these roles are a significant investment and need that personal engagement.

A face-to-face interview can be time-consuming due to the amount of preparation needed, the scheduling of multiple individuals, etc. However, more intelligent decision-making is possible by incorporating a video pre-screening process. Then that investment of time is well worth it because that’s time spent on a quality candidate.


Overall, HR leaders can make more informed decisions by combining the advantages of both video and in-person interviewing methods. Video interviews as the screening tool to narrow down the applicant pool, and then face-to-face to further evaluate the remaining qualified candidates to find the best fit.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

The Pros and Cons of One-Way Video Interviews in the Hiring Process

The Pros and Cons of One-Way Video Interviews in the Hiring Process

The recruitment process can be time-consuming and arduous for both job seekers and employers. With the typical application process lasting an average of 23.8 days in the United States and employers receiving enough resumes to start a small library, it’s no wonder interviews are considered one of the most daunting tasks.

Fortunately, there’s a solution that can make hiring quicker and easier than ever before: one-way video interviews.

One-way, or asynchronous, video interviews provide applicants with the opportunity to answer pre-determined questions by recording their responses using a phone or computer camera without an interviewer present.

While this type of technology has been around for decades, it’s been gaining popularity in recent years as it allows HR professionals to streamline their hiring processes and interview more applicants than ever before.

However, before embracing a solution you aren’t familiar with, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to determine if it fits your business model. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of one-way video interviews to help you make an informed decision.

The Good and The Bad of Asynchronous Video Interviews

Advantages Of Using One-Way Video Interviews


Most recruiters will agree that scheduling and conducting phone screen interviews is extremely time-consuming. One-way video interviews are a more practical option for employers who want to save time at this stage of the hiring process. With pre-recorded interviews submitted by the applicants, recruiters and hiring managers can review and evaluate each at their own pace and shortlist candidates more quickly.


This goes hand-in-hand with time savings because time is money. The saying might be old, but it’s still as true as the day it was coined. Implementing asynchronous interviewing provides a faster method of measuring an applicant’s potential without the need for travel or in-person interviews, reducing the time to hire and saving money overall. Plus, an online video interview platform lets employers connect with candidates worldwide without dipping into the recruitment budget.


For job seekers, one-way video interviews allow them to complete their interview anytime, alleviating scheduling conflicts compounded by time zone and work schedules. For recruiters and hiring managers, pre-recorded interviews provide greater flexibility than phone screenings, letting them review applicant submissions at their convenience. 

Wider Candidate Pool

One-way video interviews have the power to connect employers with candidates from different locations or even different countries, expanding their candidate pool and increasing diversity in the hiring process. This can lead to better, more inclusive hiring decisions that truly reflect the company’s goals.

Eliminates Bias

One-way interviews are an excellent tool for promoting fairness and objectivity in the hiring process. By using predetermined questions, employers can ensure that all candidates are evaluated on the same criteria. This eliminates unconscious bias and subjective judgments based on irrelevant factors like appearance or background.

Disadvantages Of Using One-Way Video Interviews

Lack the Personal Touch

Asynchronous interviews can feel impersonal to some people. The process could be interpreted as robotic or dehumanizing without the back-and-forth exchange between the applicant and employer. This can be a drawback for candidates who thrive on personal connections and face-to-face interactions.

Limited Opportunity to Showcase Soft Skills

While pre-recorded video interviews are great for assessing hard skills and qualifications, they may not provide ample opportunities for candidates to showcase their soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which can be determined through questions and organic conversation. These skills are crucial in the workplace, and employers may miss out on valuable talent if they rely solely on this type of interview.

Technical Difficulties and Challenges for Candidates

Not everyone is tech-savvy or has access to high-speed internet and a webcam. One-way video interviews can be a challenge for job seekers who don’t have the required technology or are uncomfortable using it. This could make it more difficult for otherwise qualified candidates to put their best foot forward.

Inaccurate Assessments

One-way interviews may provide a partial picture of the candidate’s abilities and personality. Employers may miss out on important non-verbal cues and body language, which can be valuable indicators of the person’s suitability for the role. This can lead to inaccurate assessments and result in hiring decisions that don’t align with the company’s needs.

Mitigating The Cons of One-Way Video Interviews

Fortunately, there are steps companies can take to alleviate the disadvantages and ensure a fair and effective hiring process. Here are some strategies to consider:

Ensure applicants are aware of this step in the process

The requirement of submitting a one-way video interview as part of the application process should be noted in the job posting. This will empower the job seekers to decide if they don’t wish to do that.

Implement standardized questions and evaluation criteria

To avoid the risk of inconsistent or biased evaluations, companies should develop a set of standardized questions and evaluation criteria for that role. This ensures that every candidate is evaluated based on the same factors, making it easier to compare and make objective decisions.

Provide clear instructions and support for candidates

To ensure a positive experience for candidates, companies should provide clear instructions and support throughout the process. This could include detailed instructions on using the platform, troubleshooting guides, and even practice sessions before recording the actual interview.

Avoid making hiring decisions based solely on video interviews

Asynchronous video interviews should be just one part of a comprehensive hiring process. Incorporate this step as a pre-screening tool to identify top candidates allowing it to bridge the gap between the paper resume/application and the face-to-face interview.

Is this technology right for your business?

A one-way video interview solution can be the ideal component for increasing qualified candidate selection and reducing the overall time-to-hire. Still, it comes with elements that require consideration before implementation. Therefore, employers should evaluate their hiring needs and priorities to decide if asynchronous interviews are right for their business.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

Video Interviews Made Easy: Overcoming Stage Fright to Ace Your Next Interview

Video Interviews Made Easy: Overcoming Stage Fright to Ace Your Next Interview

Picture this: you’ve spent weeks researching the company, preparing answers to potential questions, and practicing your interview skills. You’re feeling confident and excited about your upcoming video interview – until you turn on the camera. Suddenly, you freeze up. Your palms start sweating, your heart races, and you can’t seem to remember anything you rehearsed. The more you try to calm down, the worse your nerves get. Sound familiar? If you’ve ever experienced stage fright during a video interview, you’re not alone.

Even the most seasoned professionals can struggle with camera fear and anxiety. But don’t worry – with the right strategies, you can overcome your nerves and ace your virtual meeting with ease. In this blog, we’ll share tips and tricks for remaining calm, confident, and collected during video interviews. From preparing beforehand to engaging with your interviewer, we’ll cover everything you need to know to succeed on camera. Let’s get started!

Lights, Camera, Interview: The Age of Video Interviews

Video interviews have become increasingly popular in recent years. With remote work becoming the norm, it’s not uncommon for employers to use virtual platforms (Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet) and HR Tech platforms (like Intervu) to conduct job interviews. While video interviews can be convenient and time-saving, they also come with their own unique challenges. One of the most common challenges for candidates has been overcoming the fear of being on camera, aka video interview stage fright.

Stage Fright: The Uninvited Guest You Don’t Want

Stage fright or anxiety during video interviews can occur due to several reasons, including:

  • Feeling Like a Fish Out of Water: Being on camera can feel unnatural, especially if you’re not used to it.
  • Lack of Physical Interaction: Unlike in-person interviews, there’s no physical interaction or body language to rely on, which can make it harder to read your interviewer’s reactions or gauge their interest.
  • Pressure to Perform Well: The pressure to perform well can be turned up to 11 when you’re being recorded or live-streamed. This pressure can lead to nervousness, sweating, shaking, or other physical symptoms that can distract you from your interview.
  • Technical Issues: Technical issues such as poor internet connection, video lag, or software glitches can add an extra layer of stress and frustration, making it even harder to stay calm and focused.

The combination of these factors can hinder your ability to answer questions confidently, showcase your skills effectively, and make a lasting impression on your potential employer. If you’re tired of reading all the “self-help” articles and are looking for tried and tested tips to overcome anxiety and ace that video interview, keep reading.

Beating the Video Interview Jitters: Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Before we dive in, remember that anxiety and nervousness are quite normal when it comes to interviews. However, it’s important to remember that these feelings can sometimes be misconstrued as a lack of confidence. Fortunately, there are several effective practices and techniques you can try to ease those interview nerves and show up as your best self.

Prepare for Success

Preparation is key to overcoming stage fright and nailing your video interview. Don’t just wing it, do your research! Research the company, the industry, the role, and anything else you can find. This will not only help you feel more confident and prepared, but it will also show the interviewer that you’re serious about the opportunity.

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to practice, practice, practice! Anticipate what questions you might be asked and come up with strong, thoughtful answers in advance. Rehearse your responses out loud to help you feel more comfortable and confident.

Don’t forget to also test your technology beforehand. Make sure your internet connection is stable and that your camera and microphone are working properly. The last thing you want is technical issues adding to your anxiety during the interview.

Use Calming Techniques

When it comes to calming your nerves, different strokes for different folks! Deep breathing is a simple and effective way to calm nerves. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth, focusing on the feeling of calmness spreading through your body.

Visualization can also help. Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting and focus on the sounds, smells, and sensations of that environment to help you feel relaxed.

And don’t forget to pep talk yourself! Repeat positive affirmations like “I am capable” or “I am prepared for this interview” to boost your confidence.

Engage With Your Interviewer

Remember that the interviewer is just a person, not an intimidating force. Engage with them as you would with anyone else. Make eye contact, smile, and show enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Ask thoughtful questions and be genuinely interested in the conversation. This will help shift your focus away from your nerves and onto the interaction between you and the interviewer.

Lastly, treat the interview as a conversation rather than a performance. Don’t worry about being perfect or memorizing every answer. Be yourself and let your personality shine through. The more relaxed and authentic you are, the more likely you are to make a positive impression.

Consider Your Surroundings

When preparing for a video interview, it’s important to take your surroundings into consideration. Find a quiet, well-lit space that is free from distractions to conduct your interview. The environment should be professional and appropriate for an interview setting.

You should dress professionally as well, even though the interview is virtual. This will not only make you feel more confident but also show the interviewer that you’re taking the process seriously. 

Have The Necessities Within Reach 

It’s crucial to have all the necessary materials within reach before the interview starts. This can include a copy of your resume, a notebook and pen, and any other relevant documents or notes.

Having everything you need at your fingertips can help you feel more in control and prepared. This will also show the interviewer that you’re organized and ready for the interview.

Be Mindful of Your Body Language

Body language is just as important during a virtual interview as it is during an in-person interview. Sit up straight and maintain good posture, make eye contact, and avoid fidgeting or slouching. These small adjustments can help you feel more confident and engaged during the interview.

Use hand gestures if necessary but make sure they are not too exaggerated. A calm and confident demeanor can help establish a positive impression with the interviewer.

Consider Using a Practice Platform

To ensure that everything runs smoothly during your interview, consider using a practice platform before the actual interview. Many video conferencing platforms offer a test call feature, which allows you to test your camera and microphone settings before the interview.

This can help you identify and fix any technical issues in advance, reducing the likelihood of technical difficulties during the actual interview. This way, you can be confident that the interviewer can hear and see you clearly.

It’s Okay to Take a Pause

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed or nervous during an interview, and it’s perfectly acceptable to take a pause when needed. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts, take a deep breath, and pause for a few seconds. This can help you regroup and refocus, ensuring that you deliver thoughtful, coherent answers to the interviewer’s questions.

You can also use this pause to ask for clarification or repeat the question if needed. Remember that the interviewer is looking for the best candidate for the job, and taking a pause to give thoughtful responses is better than giving a rushed or incomplete answer.

Don’t Let Stage Fright Hold You Back

To sum it up, conquering video interview stage fright is like training for a marathon – it takes dedication, perseverance, and a whole lot of preparation. But don’t worry, even the most experienced interviewees feel a twinge of nervousness every now and then. Just remember, confidence comes from within and a well-prepared mind is half the battle won.

So, take a deep breath, give yourself a pep talk, and rock that interview like the confident, capable superstar you are!


Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

Benefits Of Using AI To Hire

Benefits Of Using AI To Hire

The recruitment process can be a daunting task for many businesses, requiring extensive time and resources. However, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process can streamline the hiring process for both the employer and the potential employee. In this blog post, we will discuss the many benefits of using AI to hire.

Increased Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of AI in recruitment is the increased efficiency of the hiring process. AI can assist in the screening of job applications, which can save recruiters a significant amount of time. The technology can quickly analyze and sort through large amounts of data, including resumes, cover letters, and job applications, to identify the most qualified candidates. Additionally, AI can be programmed to conduct initial interviews with potential candidates, asking standardized questions and providing unbiased evaluations. This can eliminate the need for a human recruiter to spend time on initial interviews, freeing them up to focus on other critical aspects of the hiring process.

Improved Candidate Selection

AI can help employers identify the best candidates for the job. Using machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze a candidate’s application and compare it to job requirements and company culture. This can result in more accurate candidate recommendations, ensuring that the selected candidates are a better fit for the company’s culture and have the necessary skills and qualifications for the job. Additionally, AI can also conduct background checks, which can provide recruiters with a more comprehensive view of a candidate’s history.

Reduced Bias

Recruiters are human, and as such, they can have biases that influence their hiring decisions. AI, on the other hand, is not subject to human biases and can provide unbiased evaluations of candidates. This can help reduce bias in the hiring process and ensure that all candidates are given equal consideration. Furthermore, AI can be programmed to remove identifying information, such as a candidate’s name or location, to prevent unconscious bias from influencing the hiring decision.

Cost Savings

The recruitment process can be expensive, with costs associated with job postings, candidate screening, and interviews. AI can help reduce costs by streamlining the recruitment process, requiring fewer resources to identify and interview candidates. Additionally, AI can help identify top candidates more efficiently, reducing the time and resources needed to find the right candidate. By using AI to hire, companies can save money in the long run, while also potentially reducing employee turnover rates.

Improved Candidate Experience

The candidate experience is a crucial aspect of the recruitment process, and AI can help improve it. By providing automated responses and immediate feedback to candidates, AI can improve the candidate experience by making the process more efficient and transparent. Additionally, AI can be programmed to provide personalized feedback to candidates, offering insights into areas for improvement and helping candidates prepare for future interviews.


The use of AI in the recruitment process can provide significant benefits for both employers and potential employees. By improving efficiency, reducing bias, and improving the candidate experience, AI can help streamline the recruitment process and identify the best candidates for the job. While AI cannot replace human recruiters entirely, it can augment their efforts and provide invaluable support in identifying top talent. With the continued development of AI technology, it is clear that it will play an increasingly significant role in the recruitment process in the years to come.

Let's Work Together! is a software that leverages these technologies to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.